In this lesson you'll learn about how to LOOK AHEAD when you're playing the pawn game.

In chess you have to make decisions all the time.

The only way you can make the right choice is to LOOK AHEAD.

Looking ahead isn't easy. You have to practise a lot and work hard to learn how to do it.

In this CAPTURE THE FLAG position you're the white pawn on e4.

You have a choice: capture the black pawn on d5 or move forward to e5.

Which are you going to do? If you get it wrong you lose the game.

I'm going to capture.

I'm going to move forward.

In this position you're right to move forward.

If you take the enemy pawn on d5 his friend on e6 is going to take you.

Then you will have no moves, so you will lose the game.

But if you move to e5 then it's Black's turn. He has no moves so you win the game.

This time the position is slightly different. But you still have to make the same decision.

You have the same choice: take the pawn on d5 or move to e5.

Which are you going to do? If you get it wrong you lose the game.

I'm going to capture.

I'm going to move forward.

This time you win the game by capturing! If you take the pawn on d5, the pawn on e6 will take you back. It's an EXCHANGE, remember. One pawn from each player gets taken.

But then the white pawn on h4 moves to h5, and, because Black has no moves, White wins the game.

But if you move to e5 instead, the black pawn on h6 will move to h5 and White will have no moves.

I've changed the position again. Look at the h-file.

For the third time you have to decide: capture on d5 or advance to e5.

Which are you going to do? If you get it wrong you lose the game.

I'm going to capture.

I'm going to move forward.

But here you win by moving forward! Let's go through it together and work it out.

Suppose first of all you capture the enemy pawn on d5. Then his pawn on e6 captures you. You have to move from h3 to h4. He has to move from h6 to h5. You have no moves, so you lose.

Now see what happens if you advance. You move to e5. He moves from h6 to h5. You move from h3 to h4. He has no moves, so you win.

This time if you capture you lose!

That's the end of the lesson.

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