This is a test to find out how much you know about EXCHANGING.

You have to get every question right to pass the test.

So you need to be very careful and think very hard.

Only your first answer counts.

If you get a question wrong first time you can try again but you won't score a point.

Q1. If White captures the Black Knight will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q2. If White captures the Black Knight will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q3. If White captures the Black Knight will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q4. If White captures twice on f6 will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q5. If White captures twice on f6 will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q6. If White captures twice on f6 will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q7. Should White capture on f6 with the Knight or the Rook first?

Knight Rook It doesn't matter

Q8. Should White capture on d5 with the Bishop or the Pawn first?

Bishop Pawn It doesn't matter

Q9. If White captures twice on f7, Black taking back each time, will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

Q10. If White captures twice on f7, Black taking back each time, will this be a GOOD EXCHANGE, an EQUAL EXCHANGE or a BAD EXCHANGE?

Good Equal Bad

You have now completed the EXCHANGING quiz.

What would you like to do next?

Repeat the quiz

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