In this lesson you're going to learn about KNIGHT FORKS.

There are two reasons why KNIGHTS are good at using FORKS. The first reason is that they move in EIGHT directions. The second reason is that they move in a different way to other pieces. So if your KNIGHT attacks an enemy piece other than another KNIGHT it won't be able to capture you.

Take a look at this position.

Can you see where you can move your KNIGHT so that he ATTACKS both the black pawns?

If it helps, set the position up on your board and try out some moves until you find the right answer.

Yes, you're right. If you move your KNIGHT to d5 you'll FORK both the black pawns.

If Black moves the pawn on b6 you'll capture the pawn on e7. And if he moves the pawn on e7 you'll capture the pawn on b6.

Because the KNIGHT move is not in a straight line KNIGHT FORKS like this are not easy to find.

So you're going to need some more practice at looking for KNIGHT FORKS.

You'll learn more about this later on, but KNIGHTS, although they're really useful pieces, are less valuable than ROOKS and QUEENS, and also less important than KINGS.

So if you get the chance to FORK any of these pieces it's probably going to be a good idea!

That's the end of the lesson.

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